
August 16, 2010

More Backyard Progress

Slowly (very slowly), but surely, our backyard is coming together.  We've spent a couple recent weekends on the construction of a retaining wall / planter box in an area where there previously had been an ugly chain link fence lined with some plastic ribbed material, which was supposed to be doing important work like holding the neighbor's fence in place.  We pulled the chain link out and started over.   We found a bunch of inspiration photos using really modern and fun materials for retaining walls, but then realized we didn't have the budget, and it just wouldn't look good with our 1899 home.  A major backyard overhaul would be in order, and that just isn't going to happen.  We compromised by using standard cedar that matched everything else in the yard, with aluminum c-channel support posts that had been salvaged from a construction site (thanks Drew!).

Here's a quick overview of how it happened (note that I say "we" below, but Mike was most of the muscle behind all this):

1.  We measured, dug a trench, and dug the post holes.

2.  We prepared and pre-drilled the aluminum posts.

3.  We set the posts using redi-mix concrete.

4.  We installed the cedar and added some extra bracing inside the box.

5.  We filled it all in with dirt.

The yard isn't even close to being finished, but considering it used to look like this...

I'd say we're making progress, wouldn't you?

Now, anybody know anything about pruning vastly overgrown rosebushes?


  1. I really like how the aluminum modernizes the cedar without throwing the rest of the backyard off. Well done.
