
August 20, 2010

Living Room Color Palette

I've been so busy lately there's just been no time for posting. I'm meeting with new clients, finishing up with older clients, and right smack in the middle of working with other clients. It's crunch time for so many people - needing to get everything done before birthdays, new babies, Thanksgiving, ski season, whatever... they're all in a rush. AND I'm going to be in Madison, Wisconsin next week at the Sub-Zero / Wolf headquarters, learning everything there is to know about cooking on their products. So, life is crazy!

Rather than a big long post, I'm leaving you with a photo I absolutely love, which has now become our inspiration for our living room color palette. Grays, natural woods, and bright pops of orange and yellow. Perfect. The new grasshopper chair fabric, which is on order, will fit beautifully with this color scheme.

Have a great week everyone! I'll be better at blogging once the rush is over.
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  1. Kind of reminds me of the nursery color I LOVE it of course :) It's almost done, yeah!

  2. I just realized that this means either the Eames lounge chairs will fit perfectly (when I get them welded) WOOT

  3. These color remind me a little of our color scheme in our house. We honestly have some gray in each room. I'm just in love with gray, I think it's the new beige. Anyway, once things slow down for you, I would love to have you over for dinner sometime. Wouldn't that be nice :) Good luck these next few weeks.

  4. I think I may have just found some colors for my basement office! Any idea what the colors are exactly?
