
July 3, 2011

Deck Update

This weekend we scored a few chairs from a local consignment shop.  The shop, Now & Again, was reselling all the old patio chairs from the local favorite, Blue Plate Diner.  Unfortunately there were only 3 left when we discovered them.  I'd love to have a few more, but for now we're thrilled to have the 3 we did get.

You can see our blue chairs in their previous home here:

And now back to their new home:

Paired with the new table and bench from Ikea, our deck has new life!  I love the bright pops of color the chairs add.  Since our garden is all veggies and herbs, we don't have room for a lot of colorful flowers, so I need to rely on the planters and accessories to spice it up a bit.

1 comment:

  1. so awesome!! I love them! Can't wait to see the house in person!
