
December 13, 2010

Quick & Easy Christmas Decoration

I'm definitely not one to go crazy with Christmas decorations, but this year is the first year we will be spending Christmas at our home, so I wanted to add some tasteful holiday flair.  

Over the years we've both received many ornaments from our families, to the point where we actually run out of room on the tree.  So this year we put some of the extra bulbs into a truffle bowl and I love the extra holiday sparkle it adds.

I have to confess, I saw this as a centerpiece somewhere (can't remember where) and totally copied it.  


  1. Pretty much all of my decorating ideas are copies...I did the almost the same thing, except my ornaments are in a vase!

  2. I have a centerpiece on my kitchen table just like this, except the ornaments are all bright green and gold. Lol, and I totally got the idea from someone else too.
