
September 16, 2010

Fluff is Tough!

I've been a bad blogger lately, and I'm so sorry!

Currently I've been buried in a project that is quite unlike anything I've ever done.  My client wants nearly every detail imaginable in this space!  It's a fun project, even if it does seem to consume every waking minute these days.

For interior designers, some design styles come much more naturally than others.  I naturally do very well with modern and transitional styles, and can design for cottage styles pretty easily as well.  This particular kitchen does not fit into any of these categories and therefore takes a lot more effort on my part.  I don't do flair easily, and there's a LOT of flair in this kitchen.  I labor over every tiny little decorative detail, because I want it to really work with the design rather than to just look like a fluffy add-on.

With a project like this, I can't help referring to Habersham for inspiration.  I don't know of any company as over-the-top as this one.  While this isn't my preferred style, I have to admire the abilities of the designers, because wow, fluff is tough!

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