
May 13, 2010

The Difference a Bulb Makes

A few weeks ago I posted about the "new" light fixture we inherited.  I used the photos of the standard white light bulb, which was there because it was the only extra bulb we had.  Well, we finally changed the bulb to something more fitting - a simple clear globe.  Obviously the fixture looks better, but what really surprised me was the sudden dramatic lighting effect created with the clear vs. white frosted glass.  Our Kitchen has become a disco.  Not really, but the lighting effect is pretty amazing.  So for everyone who suggested the clear globe bulbs, here's a pic for you.  Please ignore the frayed black cord (which will someday be replaced) and the horrific mini-blinds (which should probably be higher on our priority list than they are).


  1. We need one of those for our dining room - INCREDIBLE how big a difference a freaking BULB makes!
